We lost our beloved Annu, the sheltie this weekend. She passed away on Saturday night just as we were going to have fun together, all four of us. She ate her food too fast and started having an epileptic seizure after that. She hasn't had those in a while, so we thought this will pass quickly, just like the other similar episodes she's experienced before. But she did not get better this time. She passed away on the way to the emergency room in my arms. The hardest thing in the world was to feel her lifeless body in my arms when I just knew that she was not with us anymore.
I guess we're going through the five stages of grief now, and I can't think of anything particularly insightful to say except that is it hurts so badly to know that she is not here with us. She was sweet, clumsy, strong headed and so loving towards us, her only family. our family grew around her and we are thankful that she has been with us for 11 years.
Sweet girl, sleep in peace. I hope up there in doggie heaven you are having all the grapes and chocolate and caramels that you want. Here, I'll still save one grape for you every time I eat them.
In the meanwile I'll cry my eyes out and hope that this too will pass.