Do you know this feeling that there is something important that is happening around us, and by the time one recognizes the opportunity, it's too late and there is fifty million people who have already recognized the trend, spoke with those who are at the forefront of the trend and created a nice little business out of it? Missed opportunity no more! Check out this book I heard about on Chicago NPR. It's called "Microtrends" by Mark J. Penn who was a campaign consultant for President Clinton and now is working with Hillary Clinton on her campaign trail. This book is immesurably helpful for both politicians who are trying to reconnect with their electoral base and marketers who are looking for new angle for their products and services. The book is divided into 15 chapters with headers like "Politics", "Teens", "Food, Drink and Diet", "Technology", "Looks and Fashion" etc and equally juicy sub-headers ("Archery Moms", "Militant Illegals", "Neglected Dads" and "Vietnamese Entrepreneurs" to name a few). Granted that not every microtrend will lead to the significant changes in the society, but knowing about these growing opportunities makes marketer in me rub my hands with glee and say in Mr. Burns-like voice "E-excellent"!
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